“The Dove, on silver pinions, winged her peaceful way.”
James Montgomery“The Dove, on silver pinions, winged her peaceful way.”
James Montgomery“Eternity: a moment standing still for ever.”
James Montgomery“Blue thou art, intensely blue; Flower, whence came thy dazzling hue?”
James Montgomery“Hope against hope, and ask till ye receive.”
James Montgomery“Prayer is the soul's sincere desire.”
James Montgomery“O thou by whom we come to God The Life the Truth the Way The path of prayer Thyself hast trod- Lord teach us how to pray.”
James Montgomery“Time is eternity begun.”
James Montgomery“The world's theologyThe world's theology is easy to define. It is the view . . . that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation."Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." Romans 1:22”
James Montgomery Boice“The chief problem with television is that, for those who watch it consistently, it undermines and eventually destroys the ability to think. This is because it communicates primarily images, not by words, and words are necessary if we are to perceive logical connections and make judgments as to what is right and wrong.”
James Montgomery Boice