“The light that doesn't see its darkness but that of others is the darkness in the light of the light”
Goitsemang Mvula“Love it, Do it, Be in it, Become it until it regenerates in your legacy.”
Goitsemang Mvula“It's not that we are poor because we are uneducated, unemployed nor unqualified, we just have have a buying mentality instead of a selling mentality”
Goitsemang Mvula“When walls creates skies for us, birds that fly higher reminds us that the sky is not the limit”
Goitsemang Mvula“We are spirits deceived by the sky to create light and trade our souls to the sun but fail to become galaxies when it's dark”
Goitsemang Mvula“From the darkness we become stars, we behold the misery and mystery from the worlds we possess and build up fire from the glow and coils of our black souls, the Sun.”
Goitsemang Mvula“Fire consumes, in Prose it cripples. You'll mind the ashes that have no shoes”
Goitsemang Mvula“Your reaction towards your inception will determine the input towards your progression”
Goitsemang Mvula“At school we learn the theory to do the practice, but they didn't teach you that in real life you learn from the practice to know the theory”
Goitsemang Mvula