“The most extraordinary thing about the oyster is this. Irritation gets into his shell. He does not like them. But when he cannot get rid of them he uses the irritation to do the lovelist thing an oyster ever has the chance to do. If there are irritations in our lives today, there is only one prescription: make a pearl. It may have to be a pearl of patience, but…make a pearl.-In the Treasure Chest, ed. Charles L. Wallis”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Christians are supposed not merely to endure change, nor even to profit by it, but to cause it.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“The steady discipline of intimate friendship with Jesus results in men becoming like Him.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“No horse gets anywhere until he is harnessed. No stream or gas drives anything until it is confined. No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled. No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated, disciplined.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Life asks not merely what you can do it asks how much can you endure and not be spoiled. ”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“He who knows no hardships will know no hardihood. He who faces no calamity will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in a soil with a strong mixture of troubles.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Don't simply retire from something have something to retire to. ”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Fear imprisons faith liberates fear paralyzes faith empowers fear disheartens faith encourages fear sickens faith heals fear makes useless faith makes serviceable.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Rebellion against your handicaps gets you nowhere. Self-pity gets you nowhere. One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world-making the most of one's best.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick“Liberty is always dangerous but it is the safest thing we have.”
Harry Emerson Fosdick