The Son of God perishes that we may not perish.He rises that we may rise.That is how much he loves us.He calls us to lay down our burdens at his cross.To rise up and follow him into the beautiful horizon of his new creation.Behold he makes all things new.

The Son of God perishes that we may not perish.He rises that we may rise.That is how much he loves us.He calls us to lay down our burdens at his cross.To rise up and follow him into the beautiful horizon of his new creation.Behold he makes all things new.

David Holdsworth
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Jesus is a descendant of David, the beloved of God. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who was born into this world and died and rose again. Saint John calls him the Word and the Light. When he died, he did so as atonement for our sins, and when he rose, he did so to defeat the power and curse of death and hell on this once-holy world. Do you believe in him?

David Holdsworth, Angelos
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The Son of God perishes that we may not perish.He rises that we may rise.That is how much he loves us.He calls us to lay down our burdens at his cross.To rise up and follow him into the beautiful horizon of his new creation.Behold he makes all things new.

David Holdsworth
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Are you prepared to follow the Lamb whithersoever? The Lord does as He chooses. He dispenses miracles as He chooses for His own glorious purposes. He doesn't always give us what we asked for. He doesn't always give that healing and even when He does we still become sick and die eventually. Do we trust in His sovereign choices or trust only in getting what we want? Will we fix our eyes on the storm in this fading world or on the Christ of heaven?

David Holdsworth
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David Holdsworth
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What if we who follow Jesus worked as one unit? What if we put aside the slight doctrinal differences, the denominational/movement mentality? What if we saw it as it truly will be one day - people of every tribe, kindred, tongue and nation united in one common cause! What if we all stood as one powerful resounding force against all oppression and wickedness and for all righteousness, peace and love. What if we were a city on a hill, a light that cannot be hidden. What if....what if?

David Holdsworth
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Sometimes we are fixed on an image of Christ in a stable born, but he is not there anymore. Sometimes we are fixed on an image of Christ on a cross dying, but he is not there anymore. Sometimes we are fixed on an image of Christ at an empty tomb, but he is not there anymore. He has ascended and is seated at the right hand of God and is coming again! All parts of the story are important, but this final part is often over looked. Let's not get stuck in a spiritual moment, but make progress instead. Look to Him as He is.

David Holdsworth
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Precious to the Lord are the death of His saints."DEATH IS NOT FINAL.God has set eternity in the hearts of men. Why would you want there to be nothing at the end of life?DEATH IS A MYSTERY.Death is not a secret but a mystery. Solomon asked so long ago if animals will be in heaven. And how do people get there.NO ONE KNOWS WHEN THEY WILL DIE. We should then live everyday to God's glory. So make haste to be right with God.DEATH IS THE ULTIMATE LEVELER. Mourning makes people think about mortality. It helps reveal what is important in life more than a party ever could. The king and the pawn go back in the same box. Rich or poor - are we ready to meet God? Do we have faith in Him and His son whose very name is love? Without Him, without love what else matters? We need to love others and love God. The importance of this can become clear in mourning. Are you ready?WE TAKE NOTHING WITH US.Except that done in love for the glory of Jesus. Though these things won't save us, it is His merit alone that can do that, these things give an abundant entry into eternity. Solomon in the end hated what he couldn't take with him. He was the richest man on earth leading a vast empire, surrounded by wives and servants. Jesus asks what good would it do to gain the whole world and lose ones own soul? Therefore store up treasures in heaven.AFTER DEATH COMES JUDGEMENT.It is uncomfortable to think on, but needed. Will we be with Christ on that day or lost in sin? Even if you are a follower of Jesus consider that if we do the things Jesus told us in secret and it comes out it will be nice, but the bad stuff we shouldn't do that we did anyway coming out would be unpleasant. Therefore walk in the light as He is in the light. Shine like the stars in the heavens. Love Him who first loved us."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 KJV(Refs: Eccl 2:18, Eccl 12:13, Ps 115, Eccl. 3:11, Eccl 3:21, Eccl 8:7,8, Eccl 7:2).

David Holdsworth
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You may not see me, but I am near.Travel through time.Travel through space.Travel through eternity.Some have entertained me, but were not aware.The infants, ill, and dying see me most, as I bless them with the heavenly hosts.You are not alone, we are around you, just as we stand before his throne.I repeat, you are not alone.Messengers of love and truth walk among mortal men.You are not alone as we guide you home.

David Holdsworth, Angelos
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He advocated that all who follow Jesus are priests, not just the official clergy. Much of what he said made sense, as did his kind manner. But why was he here now? Had this persecuted recluse emerged just to speak to me?

David Holdsworth, Angelos
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The problem with churches of all sorts,” he continued, “is that so often they ignore the key teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, like the doctrine of love. So often we ask God to be on our side instead of asking that we be blessed enough to be on his. That said, the wheat and the tares must grow up together, and in the days of harvest they will be separated properly.

David Holdsworth, Angelos
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