“The undistracted experience of affects of just about any sort, when free of practical consequences, appears to have intrinsic appeal for many of us.”
Jenefer Robinson“Deep emotional response to music typically arises as a product of the most intense musical perception. It is generally in virtue of the recognition of emotions expressed in music, or of the emotion-laden gestures embodied in musical movement, that an emotional reaction occurs.”
Jenefer Robinson, Music & Meaning“What we seem to perceive influences what we feel, and what we feel influences what we say we perceive”
Jenefer Robinson, Music & Meaning“The undistracted experience of affects of just about any sort, when free of practical consequences, appears to have intrinsic appeal for many of us.”
Jenefer Robinson, Music & Meaning“[L]anguage cannot match music's subtlety and preciseness of expression.”
Jenefer Robinson, Music & Meaning