“There is only one way to overcome the difficulty of writing, and that is to write. Thought only becomes effective and productive at the time of writing.”
Amélie Nothomb“It is too sad . I must speak to him- The do you really ?- Sure . How can you expect things to get better , if we do not speak?- Earlier , you talked to Mr. Omochi . Do you feel that things have thus been arranged?- What is certain is that if we do not talk , there is no chance to solve the problem.- What seems more certain is that if we talk, there is serious risk of aggravating the situation.”
Amélie Nothomb“There is only one way to overcome the difficulty of writing, and that is to write. Thought only becomes effective and productive at the time of writing.”
Amélie Nothomb, Life Form“Behind every work of art lies the enormous pretension of exhibiting one's vision of the world. If such obvious arrogance is not counterbalanced by the tribulations of doubt, all that remains is a monster who is to art what a fanatic is to faith.”
Amélie Nothomb, Life Form“If a writer manages to be fascinating about his own novels, then there are only two possibilities: either he is merely voicing out loud what he wrote in his book, and he is a parrot; or he is explaining interesting things that he didn't discuss in his book, in which case the book in question is a failure since it does not live up to its claims.”
Amélie Nothomb, Hygiène de l'assassin“Language is accurate: you run for your life. If you are dying, leave. If you are suffering, move. There is no other law, only movement.”
Amélie Nothomb, Ni d'Ève ni d'Adam