This is the Modern Man. The man who seeks himself without ever seeking, because he does not want to find;The man who does not hesitate to criticize the other, although he behaves in the same way;

This is the Modern Man. The man who seeks himself without ever seeking, because he does not want to find;The man who does not hesitate to criticize the other, although he behaves in the same way;

Cristiane Serruya
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As they walked away, hand in hand, they vowed to be together forever, not knowing that forever always ended.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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No matter how hard she tried to maintain her calm and collected persona, she knew it was all a ruse. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and hide. Hide from the world. Hide from her memories. Enter a shell and never leave. But hers would always be a broken shell, with all her cracks and holes exposed for the world to see. The veneer she had carefully painted to protect and hold herself together was peeling away.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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Maybe you're starting to move on, my love. But to fully do it, you have to let the guilt go. Gabriel will always be an important part of your life. I don't even want to imagine how difficult it is to move on, but a new love always helps. I can bet you will find it in MacCraig's arms. He may be domineering and commanding, but everyone has flaws.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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Some angels are too good to live their entire lives in this inferno. They come to Earth for only a short time because they have a mission.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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One can say that Javert is our conscience. The ever lurking presence of the law and our own condemnation. The tension between who we were and who we are and who we can be. Javert represents that inescapable, shameful past that forever haunts and persues one's conscience. Javert is the man of the law, and... There are no surprises with the law. The principle of retribution is simple and monotonous, like Euclidean logic. It's closed to all alternatives and shut up against divine or human intervention... Indeed, Javert represents the merciless application of the law, the blind Justice that in the end is befuddled by hope and the possibility of redemption without punishment.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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Sometimes the guilty one is not the person who has committed the crime, but the person who has created the possibility for it to be committed.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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It was all about money. Dirty, bloody money. It can come and go so easily. They don't see that life is what's important. Love, friendship, trust, respect, a daily routine, someone to grow old with, siblings to cherish, family, a home; things people don't give a damn about until they lose them, things money can't bring back.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Just because it is peaceful, it doesn’t mean it is still and void, as a few may think. It is insightful, powerful and full of meaning. It is when one can’t lie to oneself. You have to learn to listen to what she is not saying. Listen to her silence. And listen to yours, too.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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We had everything: love, attention, the best money could buy, but we were taught that we had to first give to then receive.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Betrayed
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If all of us in the world just shared love, just a little, charity foundations wouldn’t be needed.

Cristiane Serruya, Trust: Pandora's Box
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