“Those who believe that liberal democracy and the free market can be defended by the force of law and regulation alone, without an internalised sense of duty and morality, are tragically mistaken.”
Jonathan Sacks“Freedom is not won by merely overthrowing a tyrannical ruler or an oppressive regime. That is usually only the prelude to a new tyranny, a new oppression.”
Jonathan Sacks“True freedom requires the rule of law and justice, and a judicial system in which the rights of some are not secured by the denial of rights to others.”
Jonathan Sacks“Stabilizing the euro is one thing, healing the culture that surrounds it is another. A world in which material values are everything and spiritual values nothing is neither a stable state nor a good society. The time has come for us to recover the Judeo-Christian ethic of human dignity in the image of God.”
Jonathan Sacks“If you want a free society, teach your children what oppression tastes like. Tell them how many miracles it takes to get from here to there. Above all, encourage them to ask questions. Teach them to think for themselves.”
Jonathan Sacks“We need to rediscover the idea of the common good and work together to build a home.”
Jonathan Sacks“Focus on the mind and the soul. Read. Study. Enrol in a course of lectures. Pray. Become a member of a religious congregation. Study the Bible or other ancient works of wisdom.”
Jonathan Sacks“Freedom begins with what we teach our children. That is why Jews became a people whose passion is education, whose heroes are teachers and whose citadels are schools.”
Jonathan Sacks“To defend a country you need an army, but to defend a civilization you need education.”
Jonathan Sacks“The world we build tomorrow is born in the stories we tell our children today. Politics moves the pieces. Education changes the game.”
Jonathan Sacks“While everyone else is thinking about economics and politics, executive salaries and the future of the euro, do the opposite, even if it's hard. Invest in the spirit.”
Jonathan Sacks