Inescapable Quotes

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Pleasure, ecstasy, they cannot seem to bear: their escape from it is in violence, in drinking and fighting and apparently inescapable----And so why should not their religion drive them to crucifixion of themselves and one another? he thinks.

William Faulkner
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A tractor beam from the Imperial ship locked onto the shuttle and in seconds it became apparent they were being hauled in. The tractor was inescapable, and they knew it. The shuttle’s small yet potent engines struggled vainly against the irresistible pull. Inside, the Hammer and his men prepared to meet their fate.

Christina Engela, Dead Beckoning
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The will to truth is enshrined in the mind. It is undeniable, inescapable, mutable only if one’s humanity itself is rejected, itself muted. Yet the form of this truth, whether it be elaborate, simple, exclusive and regulatory or comprehensive and positive… this is a matter of aesthetics, taste......It is all inherently meaningless, the puzzle just as much as the pieces themselves, ephemeral. Yet more than this it is concrete, eternal, heavy and inescapable, a preponderous amalgam of things small and large, the actuality of which is imminent, the meaning of which is too great to acknowledge, let alone comprehend.So we tell stories. We read stories, write them, consider them and like them, or not. Simply ways, simple ways, to limit the All to that which can be understood.

Jeffrey Panzer, Epoch Awakening
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Triumph often is nearest when defeat seems inescapable.

B. C. Forbes
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Self-judgment clouds our mind with inescapable indictments.

Balroop Singh
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A sense of hopelessness had invaded his bones, as chill and as inescapable as the rain.

Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess
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We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings.

Ursula K. Le Guin
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Once again Love, that loosener of limbs,bittersweet and inescapable, crawling thing,seizes me.

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The one thing in me more powerful than a general misanthropy is an inescapable compassion for individuals.

Jasper Sole
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In any society that is governed by the rule of law, some form of morality is always imposed. It's inescapable.

Kirk Cameron
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