“Transition and change - guaranteed to cause anxiety. That anxiety shows itself in physical and behavioral ways, but also with thoughts (sometimes really crazy ones). This is the (primitive/automatic) brain's way of keeping us safe from the danger of change. We end up getting so involved with the feeling and thoughts of anxiety, we get distracted from the "danger". If we trust the anxiety then our primitive brain has succeeded in "protecting" us from the danger. I suggest not believing, trusting, or taking direction from the anxiety and continue your pursuits forward. Then, you will be amazed at your ability to attract and reveal your true capabilities, your light, your magic.”
Charles F. Glassman“A genuine teacher does not seek to impress you with their greatness, but instead to impress upon you that you possess the skills to discover your own.”
Charles F. Glassman“The 6 greatest detriments to our health, happiness, and ultimate success: Regret, Worry, Guilt, Blame, Gossip, & ResentmentRemoving just one can change your life.”
Charles F. Glassman“New Day…new opportunity to be grateful for what we have, not bitter for what we don’t.”
Charles F. Glassman“Love is not always fireworks and magic. Often we’ll experience it in the form of patience, acceptance, loyalty, and mutual respect.”
Charles F. Glassman“There are few things more contagious than a healthy attitude.”
Charles F. Glassman“Using someone else’s ruler to measure your self-worth will always leave you short.”
Charles F. Glassman“Our body is simply a vehicle for our soul. But if we want our soul to travel in style, we must take good care of our body.”
Charles F. Glassman“Despite our challenges, hope lies in the reality that our story does not end here.”
Charles F. Glassman