“We see a new Ethiopia, a new Africa, stretching her hands of influence throughout the world, teaching man the way of life and peace, The Way to God.”
Marcus Garvey“Be not discouraged black women of the world, but push forward, regardless of the lack of appreciation shown you.”
Amy Jacques-Garvey, Philosophy & Opinions of Marcus Garvey“Prohibition is to abstain from intoxicating liquor, as it makes us morbid and sometimes drunk. But we get drunk every day, nevertheless, not so much by the strength of what we sip from the cup, but that which we eat, the water we drink, and the air we inhale, which at fermentation conspire at eventide to make us so drunk and tired that we lose control of ourselves and fall asleep. Everybody is a drunkard, and if we were to enforce real prohibition we should all be dead.”
Marcus Garvey, The Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey, Or, Africa for the Africans“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds!”
Marcus Garvey“There is no force like success, and that is why the individual makes all effort to surround himself throughout life with the evidence of it; as of the individual, so should it be of the nation.”
Marcus Garvey“Our success educationally, industrially and politically is based upon the protection of a nation founded by ourselves. And the nation can be nowhere else but in Africa.”
Marcus Garvey“Real men laugh at opposition real men smile when enemies appear. ”
Marcus Garvey“We see a new Ethiopia, a new Africa, stretching her hands of influence throughout the world, teaching man the way of life and peace, The Way to God.”
Marcus Garvey“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life.”
Marcus Garvey“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”
Marcus Garvey