“When someone rejects you, for whatever reason, that rejection reflects their wants, not your limitations. you are in no way defined by the rejection, or the acceptance, of anyone else. your worth depends on no one. and as hard as it can be to see it as such, there is just as big a gift in not connecting with those who don’t see your value, as there is in uniting with those who do.”
Scott Stabile“Let’s quit trying so hard to be some version of a normal we’ve never really been.”
Scott Stabile“The fact that you don’t realize how wonderful you are only makes you more wonderful.”
Scott Stabile“Let them judge you.Let them misunderstand you.Let them gossip about you.Their opinions aren’t your problem.You stay kind, committed to love, and free in your authenticity.No matter what they do or say,don’t you dare doubt your worthor the beauty of your truth.Just keep on shining like you do.”
Scott Stabile“So much possibility lives within the beauty of your authenticity. Be real.”
Scott Stabile“We can disagree with one another without being raging, judgmental, spiteful, self-righteous lunatics. Can’t we?”
Scott Stabile“After so many years struggling to keep up with you, I finally realized we’re not even running the same race.”
Scott Stabile“In acceptance, I am grounded. In vulnerability, I am strong. In love, I am whole.”
Scott Stabile“I won’t stop until I can look at myself in the mirror in love with the person I see.”
Scott Stabile“I can’t apologize for who I am any more. Even better, I have no desire to.”
Scott Stabile