When we regularly struggle to achieve the goals, either we get used to the struggle or we find a way to avoid the struggle. If we get used to the struggle than every new task will increase the distance between our struggle & goals, but if we find a way to avoid the struggle the goals will be as close as the shortcut to any destination.

When we regularly struggle to achieve the goals, either we get used to the struggle or we find a way to avoid the struggle. If we get used to the struggle than every new task will increase the distance between our struggle & goals, but if we find a way to avoid the struggle the goals will be as close as the shortcut to any destination.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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Define yourself? Somebody who gets mad after facing a problem or somebody who works like mad to solve the problem? You need not answer it in words, your reaction to the problem will define who you actually are!

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How cold or warm are your calls can be best judged by the call duration and the number of questions you ended-up answering, and if the clients aren’t responding to follow-up calls, one of the reasons could be that they didn’t like “what & how it was said”, rejections teach if we start looking at the basic part of human behavior - we don’t talk to people if the talk doesn’t interest us.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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The sales vehicle runs not on any fuel, but mostly on goodwill, the goodwill is not good because it achieves something on its own, it is good because it helps the carrier with a reputation of being the best in whatever they do.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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We start under-estimating our capabilities, when we start repeating the failure reasons given by others to justify their lack of effort. “Market is very slow” is one common reason. The market never stops moving it only changes its pace from time to time, & we fail because of our inability to read the pace of the market.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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When people stop buying from us, do not blame the market conditions straightaway, we must first analyze a change in the buying behavior due to market conditions, maybe the luxury / exposure is not part of their wish list, maybe they only “buy” strictly out of need, and what they need is fulfillment of their need in a cost-effective way.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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Buying & selling is not a process, but a story, the base of this story is “need”. Need arising out of necessity or a feeling to own / experience that product / service. The customer narrates the base (need) of the story, but how well the story develops is left to the storytelling (sales pitch) skills of salesperson, sometimes the storytelling leaves such an impression that the customer has no choice but to be a part of that story.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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When we talk about smart selling, it’s not exclusive, anyone can be better at smart selling, if only we come out of self-illusion zone created due to a successful month-end scorecard, we fail the minute we start paying more attention to successful sales campaigns while ignoring the unsuccessful ones. Sometimes things do fall into our nets, but smart selling is all about paying equal attention to things which escaped the net.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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I have always waited for the perfect tools to carve a statue, little did I realize that tools were never the issue, It's my carving skills which needed an upgrade and improvement.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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When we stop thinking of improvement, the thought process gets busy with justifying our approach, the wish to succeed comes from heart, miss that and the mind gets busy in generating excuses on how being better isn’t a better idea, & we are good the way we are.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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The best way to lose a game is to assume that it is over, when it isn't, yet. The second best way is to assume that no fight is left within us, but to guarantee a loss is to mentally enter the game as a loser.

Shahenshah Hafeez Khan
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