“When you start exercising choices, as against embracing opportunities, you become your own God, leaving precious little in the hands of Almighty!”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Diplomacy is an art of tackling our enemies. Using diplomacy on dear ones, in order to make measurable gains, is just like using a sword in place of a needle. We will be left bare very soon, and visibly so.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Besides Mass, Energy, Life, and of course Love, there is one thing constant, and does not change with millennia - and that is ‘Wisdom’.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“If we cannot be defending our borders in person, we be a person the forces are proud to protect.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Reality is not what we see on the social media. Reality is something that is kept inside several veils, essentially and preciously hidden from us commoners. Social media is created to make us believe that we can create our own reality - ‘Go Play”
Sandeep Sahajpal“We put our thoughts on the social media and think that it is the reality, without realising how far we are from the truth.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Planning is good for a decent survival, but an attitude to identify opportunity and act impromptu defines disproportionate success or spells immense happiness.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Only our brain keeps growing in its faculties, even when rest of the body starts to slow down. One must decide the climax of life and attain it before the body slows down.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Best timepass for idle person is to find another and gossip, without realising that there are superlative degrees of idle, idler, and idlest.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Being responsible is carrying out duties towards what you are paid for, right? Think again. It are what you acquire without being compensated, or beyond expected compensation. Responsible ones always excel. Acquiring temperament of taking responsibilities is an attitude.”
Sandeep Sahajpal“Any parents are as ordinary human beings as others, making them angels or even more is up to their next generation.”
Sandeep Sahajpal