“When you start to make things happen, you really begin to believe that you can make things happen. And that makes things happen.”
David Allen“Whereas purpose provides the juice and the direction, principles define the parameters of action and the criteria for excellence of behavior.”
David Allen“Not being aware of all you have to do is much like having a credit card for which you don't know the balance or the limit - it's a lot easier to be irresponsible.”
David Allen“The great secret about goals and visions is not the future they describe but the change in the present they engender.”
David Allen“You don't actually do a project; you can only do action steps related to it. When enough of the right action steps have been taken, some situation will have been created that matches your initial picture of the outcome closely enough that you can call it "done.”
David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity“Getting things done, and feeling good about it, means being willing to recognize, acknowledge, and appropriately manage all the things that have your consciousness engaged. Mastering the art of stress-free productivity requires it.”
David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity“Your life and work are made up of outcomes and actions. When your operational behavior is grooved to organize everything that comes your way, at all levels, based upon those dynamics, a deep alignment occurs, and wondrous things emerge. You become highly productive. You make things up, and you make them happen.”
David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity“At any point in time, the first thing to consider is, what could you possibly do, where you are, with the tools you have?”
David Allen, Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity