“WHO WHAT WHERE WHY WHENPersonality redefines character through phases of wisdom at different ages”
Kamil Ali“RACE INTERFACEIf God created man in his own image - What's his facial profile?Kamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, The Initiates“VIRTUALITY ACTUALITYClassrooms in schools will give way to classes in rooms at homeKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, The Initiates“PROPAGANDA (PROP-A-GANDER)An evil grin behind a smiling clown's maskKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, The Initiates“SUMMIT PLUMMETCeleb's conquest of a mountain, then jumping off, too exhausted to descendKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales“CRITIC OR CITRIC?Anagram of ordinary passing judgement on talentedKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales“RECURRENT CURRENTSLike the ocean, life ebbs and flows with the occasional ripKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales“RACE CAREAnagram/Acronym: Respect, Accept & Coexist EthnicallyKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales“ADVERSE REVERSEAdvanced technology has regressed us into warmongering apes with superior weaponsKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales“RETURN TO TENDEROur aging parents deserve the same loving care they gave us in infancyKamil Ali”
Kamil Ali, Profound Vers-A-Tales