“You are the author of your success, daily writing a new page to the book of your life. Be inspired. Believe in yourself. Practice at becoming an excellent person at what you want. Rome wasn't built in a day, so have patience, as you build your life with success and boldness.”
Mark F. LaMoure“Imagine yourself doing what is best for you. Commit yourself to excellence. Transform yourself with dedication to excellence, from daily self-improvement and practice. Enjoy the process.”
Mark F. LaMoure“Excellence is the jet engine, that pushes you faster and higher to success.”
Mark F. LaMoure“Never stop growing. The world's tallest redwood trees were all once little nuts, that kept growing regardless of weather, trials or tribulations.”
Mark F. LaMoure“You are the sculptor of your success. Chisel yourself into excellence.”
Mark F. LaMoure“Practice is the golden bullet for hitting the target of excellence.”
Mark F. LaMoure“In life, we tend to get what we expect. Start expecting the best for yourself. Since life is a do-it-to-yourself project, why not choose to believe in miracles? You have the freedom of choice. Why not expect miracles to happen to you? Change your thinking, to change your life. To do it, write your goals, work hard and expect miracles for the best of success.”
Mark F. LaMoure“It only takes one person to change your life for the better: YOU. Develop yourself to be excellent for success, by working hard and smart. Make success your chosen target.”
Mark F. LaMoure“You are the author of your success. Every day, you write another page to the chapter of success for you life. Practice at becoming an excellent person, at what you want to be best at.”
Mark F. LaMoure“You tend to become like that, what you want most. Its up to you to make it happen. Expect the best and work for the best. Dedicate yourself and make a successful life happen.”
Mark F. LaMoure“You tend to become like that, what you want most. Its up to you to make it happen. Expect the best and work for the best. Dedicate yourself and make your life happen with determination.”
Mark F. LaMoure