“You can pick any life area to set goals for - it does not have to be the one where things are going bad.”
Eddie de Jong, Goal Setting for Success“There's no such thing as a goal cast in stone. It should be a living thing that becomes a part of your life.”
Eddie de Jong, Goal Setting for Success“There are no right of wrong answers in goal setting. What works for you?”
Eddie de Jong, Goal Setting for Success“As we don't live in a perfect world, try to spend 80% of your time doing important but not urgent activities”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“It is important to realize that needs and wants will be unique for every person”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“Do you really want to waste your precious time doing things that are neither important nor urgent?”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“Although it might be difficult to believe, each interruption involves a choice.”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“Bad management on your behalf does not constitute a crises in my life”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life“A timesheet is the budget of time management”
Eddie de Jong, Time Management for a productive life