“YOU CAN RUN, BUT CAN NOT HIDE"The statement, 'after giving it much thought', hardly becomes credible when one spends less that 24 hours in that endeavor. In fact, it is really giving something very little thought at all. In that case it becomes an issue of denial. And also, those who proclaim Christ as Lord and God as Abba, who run to Them to hide from the very issues in their lives that They desire to deal with and remove, always amaze me. We as Christians should run to God with the hope that He will reveal to us that which He intently desires to deliver us from".[Just Keeping It Real]”
R. Alan Woods“You can walk in the Light or you can grope around in the dark because there is no walking with Jesus by candle light".~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods“God is The Reasonable One, therefore reason & faith are not antithetical" ~R. Alan Woods [2007]”
R. Alan Woods“"The more we spend our time 'practicing the presence' of Jesus, the more we become like Him"~ R. Alan Woods”
R. Alan Woods“I am not aligned in my thinking with Calvinism, neither am I aligned in my thinking with Arminianism. I have proposed a more 'Wholeistic' theology encompassing the 'both/and' in the context Objective Truth & Reality". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods“Everything I have learned has not come from books, it has come experientially over time under pressure walking with Christ".~ R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods“Critical thinking is a necessary and vital skill".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods“Our healing is in His hands".~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods, The Journey Is The Destination: A Photo Journal“Reason and Faith are no more antithetical than the mind and the heart, for neither one exists or has meaning without the other". ~R. Alan Woods [2012]”
R. Alan Woods