If one has egoism without my-ness, he will go to moksha; all this entrapment is there because of egoism with my-ness!

If one has egoism without my-ness, he will go to moksha; all this entrapment is there because of egoism with my-ness!

Dada Bhagwan
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Similar Quotes by dada-bhagwan

Here’, I am a disciple just as you are. The one you see is not ‘Dada Bhagwan’; it is ‘A. M. Patel’, a Patidaar from the town of Bhadran. The one sitting within is ‘Dada Bhagwan’. ‘I’ myself make everyone do jai jai kar of Dada Bhagwan [sing praise of Dada Bhagwan]. Therefore, ‘I’ too am a devotee, as are you.

Dada Bhagwan
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Bhagwan’ (God, Self) and ‘Paramatma’ (Supreme or absolute Self); these two words are spoken. Muslims speak the two words-‘Khuda’ (God, Self) and ‘Allah’ (Supreme spirit, Absolute Self). Allah is used for Paramatma and Khuda is used for Bhagwan.

Dada Bhagwan
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In the time before Gnan (time before 1958 when Dada Bhagwan got manifested) there was obstinacy within me. ‘I’ discovered that obstinacy does not let the light of Gnan (Eternal Knowledge) to come through. Then I saw all that obstinacy, and it was destroyed. Thereafter the Gnan (Eternal Knowledge) manifested. One has to observe one’s own self that where lies the obstinacies. The Self is an observatory itself.

Dada Bhagwan
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You yourself are indeed Bhagwan [God], but the qualities of God have not yet manifested.

Dada Bhagwan
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If you keep the burden on your head, God (Bhagwan) will move away.

Dada Bhagwan
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If ‘pratikraman’ happens immediately [as the mistake happen], then it will bring one in the state of God (Bhagwan-pad).

Dada Bhagwan
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One who turns his face towards Bhagwan [God], turns towards him; he will receive the bliss and the light. God does not do anything else.

Dada Bhagwan
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Man has obeyed commands of the Mother, the Father, the Guru; but he has not obeyed the commands of ‘God’ (Bhagwan). Had he obeyed ‘God’s’ commands, his work (for liberation) would have been accomplished. Alas! He will follow his boss’s commands and even his wife’s commands!

Dada Bhagwan
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Imaginary happiness has an “end” and real happiness is “permanent”.

Dada Bhagwan
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Moksha (ultimate liberation) cannot be attained until purity arises. To attain purity one has to realize ‘Who am I?

Dada Bhagwan
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