“Oh, I love hugging. I wish I was an octopus, so I could hug 10 people at a time!”
Drew Barrymore“Great dad. Yeah, he would ask me for money on birthdays and, you know, inappropriate times. And I just wrote him off like, 'You're not a father.' I just learned you cannot emotionally invest in people who are not attainable.”
Drew Barrymore“My therapist says I still haven't got in touch with my anger. Maybe one day I'm going to explode. But I'm still really happy. I know it looks like a strange and painful upbringing - all those experiences led me to the paths that I'm on now.”
Drew Barrymore“I am not someone who is ashamed of my past. I'm actually really proud. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but they, in turn, were my life lessons.”
Drew Barrymore“I think that we all have to have that rite of passage of dating the tortured artist who seems cooler than we think we are; we aspire to be like them, and we're excited that somebody is turning us on to new music or a new lifestyle.”
Drew Barrymore“I'm a real stay-at-home mom. I'm really hands-on. Everything else became secondary.”
Drew Barrymore“I grew up in a makeup chair. And to see the women around me getting ready was so aspirational. It's about mothers and daughters, a girl watching her mom at a vanity table.”
Drew Barrymore“I used to have a blankie, and when my mom had to wash it, I would sit outside the dryer and watch it go round and round, and cry.”
Drew Barrymore“Oh, I would love to be a motivational speaker. I have pulled myself out of a million potholes, and I can see the potholes ahead of me. That doesn't mean that I could always do that so perfectly for my own life. I totally fall in potholes.”
Drew Barrymore“Whether you're throwing up or breaking up, you want your girlfriend right there! I don't trust women who don't go to their girlfriends.”
Drew Barrymore“Sometimes I bust out and do things so permanent. Like tattoos and marriage.”
Drew Barrymore