“The fault in our stars is the inability to see that the world falls in love with fantasy, fairytales and magic in movies. Even religion asks us to believe in the most unlikely of situations. However, despite all the great movies we love, we choose to see so many real life spiritual experiences as delusion, mania, psychosis or wishful thinking. Our society gives great devotion to the arts. However, they solve so many problems with realism, rather than giving into the possibilty of God's plan for a person, that doesn't involve their theological views about how God helps write his children's stories.”
Shannon L. Alder“Empowered Women 101: A confident woman doesn't have to talk a man into loving her. He either loves her completely, not enough or not at all. Regardless, she doesn't settle for less than she deserves.”
Shannon L. Alder“You didn't choose God. He chose you. When you stop feeling hurt by everyone and plotting your comeback, he has some very important things he wants you to accomplish with your life.”
Shannon L. Alder“What lies between where you are and where you want to be sometimes requires traveling through the Twilight Zone.”
Shannon L. Alder“A wise woman protects her kids. A wiser woman hangs out with police officers, retired FBI agents and private investigators.”
Shannon L. Alder“Give up trying to convince people who you are, instead confuse them. It is a lot more fun!”
Shannon L. Alder“She builds people up because she knows what it is like to be torn down.”
Shannon L. Alder“The best plot twists are the ones you didn't expect.”
Shannon L. Alder“When you have a grasp on eternity your eyes won't ever see the battle or the lost people that hurt you. You will see a beautiful story of hope, in every character. It is not one person god loves. He loves us all and this is his story, our story and theirs.”
Shannon L. Alder“The meaning you apply to what has happened to you is your decision. There will be critics that have their version, but God didn’t call them to be your audience, someone else did.”
Shannon L. Alder“The people that understand you the most are not always the people you call family. Often, it is the person that has traveled a parallel road because they have seen the same scenery in life and can comment on the view.”
Shannon L. Alder