“There were times, in the beginning, when I used my journal as a wailing wall, but I learned not to immortalize the darkness. Rereading it was counterproductive. What I needed was a place in which to collect the light.”
Phyllis Theroux“I think this is what hooks one to gardening: it is the closest one can come to being present at creation.”
Phyllis Theroux“To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.”
Phyllis Theroux“An enlightened person raises the level of the consciousness of the entire community.”
Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper: A Memoir“Writing is not only a reflection of what one thinks and feels but a rope one weaves with words that can lower you below or hoist you above the surface of your life, enabling you to go deeper or higher than you would otherwise go. What excites me about his metaphor is that is makes writing much more than a lifesaving venture.”
Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper: A Memoir“There were times, in the beginning, when I used my journal as a wailing wall, but I learned not to immortalize the darkness. Rereading it was counterproductive. What I needed was a place in which to collect the light.”
Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper: A Memoir“Children are born with imaginations in mint condition, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Then life corrects for grandiosity.”
Phyllis Theroux, The Journal Keeper: A Memoir