Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it.

Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it.

James Tobin
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A long decade ago economic growth was the reigning fashion of political economy. It was simultaneously the hottest subject of economic theory and research, a slogan eagerly claimed by politicians of all stripes, and a serious objective of the policies of governments. The climate of opinion has changed dramatically. Disillusioned critics indict both economic science and economic policy for blind obeisance to aggregate material "progress," and for neglect of its costly side effects. Growth, it is charged, distorts national priorities, worsens the distribution of income, and irreparably damages the environment. Paul Erlich speaks for a multitude when he says, "We must acquire a life style which has as its goal maximum freedom and happiness for the individual, not a maximum Gross National Product." [in Nordhaus, William D. and James Tobin., "Is growth obsolete?" Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect Vol 5: Economic Growth. Nber, 1972. 1-80]

James Tobin, Economic Research: Retrospect and Prospect : Economic Growth
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The miserable failures of capitalist economies in the Great Depression were root causes of worldwide social and political disasters.

James Tobin
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Yale places great stress on undergraduate and graduate teaching. I like teaching, and I do a lot of it.

James Tobin
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