“YOU MATTER- "if you forgive yourself then you can forgive others, if you control yourself then you can control others, if you understand yourself then you can understand others, if you love yourself then you can love others, if you respect yourself then you can respect others. Everything starts with only YOU. You Matter in your life.”
Sivaprakash Sidhu“Be different and make a difference.." - Sivaprakash Sidhu”
sivaprakash Sidhu, SivaprakashG, Sidhu, Sivasidhug“Be real! Fake and phony people never grow.." - Sivaprakash Sidhu”
sivaprakash Sidhu, SivaprakashG, Sidhu, Sivasidhug“If you want to save your life.. risk your life.." - Sivaprakash Sidhu”
sivaprakash Sidhu, SivaprakashG, Sidhu, Sivasidhug“Ultimate Truth- "You are not born with success, but you've born to success”
Sivaprakash Sidhu“Most people I met they have more potential than me, but I don't know why they are not using it to step up.”
Sivaprakash Sidhu