Manos Filippou Quotes

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By becoming a writer I realized that I will live forever.” – Manos Filippou, Author

Manos Filippou
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By becoming a writer I realized that I will live forever.” – Manos Filippou, Author

Manos Filippou, Supercharge Your Motivation and Performance
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Since knowledge is equal to money - it is wise not to use it all at once, but to apply the rules of economics and spread it respectively

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There is no feeling like the one you get after you complete a goal,no matter how menial even one such as cleaning your home. You take a step back, look around and at that moment you feel true happiness.Don't let that person inside of you laze around and escape reality no matter how tempting they can be.They are the true devil, standing by doing nothing as the world passes you when you could have made a difference, no matter how small.

Michael Mano
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The aim of Good Investments is the ones that offer a high value product that is needed by the target market at a reasonable price and potentially fast ROI which part of the profits will be constantly used in order to improve the existing business and keep building positive image with charitable investments as part of the profits.

Manos Abou Chabke
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We are living in a world where most of our time is spent by the majority in front a screen and a software, whether its a game, trading, movie, pictures etc... in principal this is where we spend most of our time. For that be cautious and aware of that fact and apply changes - dont forget the real world, it will give you lots of happiness for getting into the real world for a short time - that is because our brains miss reality !

Manos Abou Chabke
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Ignorance is a sickness every person should avoid.. as once you are infected by it.. it becomes a morbid rotation that sometimes can be hard to escape from.

Manos Abou Chabke
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Cada vez que un libro cambia de manos, cada vez que alguien desliza la mirada por sus páginas, su espíritu crece y se hace fuerte. (Sempere)

Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind
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Cultivo una rosa blanca,En julio como en enero,Para el amigo sinceroQue me da su mano franca.Y para el cruel que me arrancaEl corazon con que vivo,Cardo ni oruga cultivoCultivo una rosa blanca.I have a white rose to tendIn July as in January;I give it to the true friendWho offers his frank hand to me.And to the cruel one whose blowsBreak the heart by which I live,Thistle nor thorn do I give:For him, too, I have a white rose.

José Martí, Versos Sencillos: Simple Verses
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Te amo sin saber cómo, ni cuándo, ni de dónde, te amo directamente sin problemas ni orgullo: así te amo porque no sé amar de otra manera, sino así de este modo en que no soy ni eres, tan cerca que tu mano sobre mi pecho es mía, tan cerca que se cierran tus ojos con mi sueño.

Pablo Neruda, The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems
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—¿Por qué sigues creyendo en Dios? ¿No estás enfadada con Él por todas las cosas malas que te han pasado?Ella interrumpió lo que estaba haciendo y se volvió hacia él. Gabriel parecía muy infeliz.—A todo el mundo le pasan cosas malas. ¿Por qué iba a ser yo distinta a los demás?—Porque eres buena.Ella se miró las manos.—El universo no se basa en la magia. No hay unas reglas para las personas buenas y otras para las personas malas. Todo el mundo sufre en un momento u otro. Lo importante es lo que haces con tu dolor, ¿no crees?

Sylvain Reynard, Gabriel's Rapture
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