“The first step to solving any problem is to accept one’s own accountability for creating it.”
Stan Slap“Man is born to dream, to be enlightened, to connect and to be fulfilled. Managers are too.”
Stan Slap“The personal values managers reported being the most under pressure to compromise to do their jobs successfully: 1. Family 2. Integrity.”
Stan Slap“Bury My Heart is "a life-altering approach to turning managers into unconditionally committed leaders.”
Stan Slap“The question is not how to get managers’ emotional commitment but why manager’s don’t give it even if they like their company.”
Stan Slap“When you don’t know what true for you, everyone else has unusual influence.”
Stan Slap“Do you think your people struggle with being true to themselves? Do their values match up with their work?”
Stan Slap“The high quality of a company’s customer experience rarely has anything to do with the high price of their product.”
Stan Slap“Success for Managers means: I want to be in healthy relationships. I want a real connection with people I spend so much time with.”
Stan Slap“Values are the individual biases that allow you to decide which actions are true for you alone.”
Stan Slap“The company may have captured their minds, their bodies and their pockets, but that doesn’t mean it’s captured their hearts.”
Stan Slap